132 WHITE-PLUMED HONEYEATER Lichenostomus penicillatus
Australia (132)
Also called Chickowee, Greenie or Native Canary. 15-17 cm. Found never far from water in open forests/woodlands, watercourses, mallee, blossoming woodlands/heaths, parks, gardens. Range widespread across e and se mainland and along rivers in interior.
NOTE: 4 subspecies in Australia
carteri: central WA
penicillatus: se Aust., from s Qld, through NSW, Vice, into se tip of SA
calconii: band from border to coast across WA near Broome
leilavalensis: central Aust, to ne SA and w Qld.
Subspecies carteri, photographed at Onslow, WA, July 2018 |