81 AUSTRALIAN MAGPIE Gracticus tibicen
Australia (81)
Also known as Black-backed, Western or White-backed magpie. Ranges over most of Australia except area in central WA and north of NT. Found anywhere where there are trees and open areas of bare soft earth. 38-44 cm.
NOTE: 8 subspecies in Australia.
white backed: (3 ssp) e and s of Great Divide from se Q through Vic to Eyre Pen.
tyrannica: southern NSW across southern Victoria
telonocua: Eyre and Yorke pen, Gawler Ranges, Kangaroo Is
hypoleuca: King and Flinders Island
black backed: (4 ssp) much of n and inland Aust.
tibicen: se Qld, e NSW
terraereginae: Gulf country, Cape York, central NSW, n SA
eylandtensis: Top End, Kimberley across to Arnhamland
longirostris: WA, Shark Bay to Pilbara
dorsalis ssp: s WA
papuana ssp: a New Guinea subspecies which maybe a vagrant to Australia
Tasmanian subspecies, hypoleuca photographed at Scottsdale, Tasmania February 2017 |
Tasmanian subspecies, hypoleuca photographed on King Island, June 2018 |
Subspecies dorsalis, photographed near Perth, WA, July 2018 |