Subspecies macgregori, Photographed at Marmor, Queensland March 2016 |
764 YELLOW CHAT Epthianura crocea
Found in bullrushes, pencil rush, sedges, swamp canegrass, lignum on seasonal wetlands, artesian bore dams, saltbush, bluebush on plains. 10-11.5 cm. Range: from Roebuck Plains (WA) - Barkly Tablelands (NT) - Gulf lowlands (Q) - e. to c. hughenden (Q); Pocket of sub-species at Marmor (Q). Rare, sedentary, nomadic.
Note: There are currently three subspecies of Yellow Chat recognised in Australia: (1) Epithianura crocea crocea, found in Kimberley to the Gulf of Carpentaria and the Lake Eyre Basin; (2) Epithianura crocea tunneyi: restricted to small area in floodplains from Adelaide River to East Alligator River; (3) Epthianura crocea macgregori: Also known as the Capricorn yellow chat, occurs in coastal region of central Queensland (Considered critically endangered).
Subspecies crocea photographed on Roebuck Plains, WA, September 2016 |