Photographed near Gordon's Creek crossing, Iron Range, Queensland October 2015 |
707 DOUBLE-EYED FIG-PARROT Cyclopsitta diophthalma
Australia (549)
Three races of Double-eyed Fig-parrots in Australia, separated geographically. Found in rainforests; adjacent eucalyptus woodlands and coastal scrubs; timber on watercourses, paperbark woodlands; occasionally visits figs, loquats and other fruit trees in gardens and plantations. 13-16 cm. Range: race marshalli:lowland rainforest on ne Cape York Pen. (Q), in vicinity of Lockhart and Claudie Rs. and probably beyond. Race macleayana: highlands and lowland rainforests from Cooktown s to Eungella NP, near MacKay (Q). Race coxeni: highland, and sparse remnant lowland, rainforests on e of Gt Divide, from Gladstone (Q) to c. Hastings R. (NSW). Sedentary, locally nomadic. Northern races still moderately common. Race coxeni declined seriously and now rare and endangered.
Male, Double-eyed Fig-parrot |
race: macleayana, female, photographed near Cairns, Queensland October 2015 |
race: macleayana, male, photographed near Cairns, Queensland October 2015 |