Sunday, March 15, 2015


Photographed at Marino Rocks, Adelaide, South Australia March 2015
531      BARBARY DOVE              Streptopelia rosegrisea or Streptopelia risoria

Australia           (372)

A controversial dove. Comes from the north-west coast of Africa, home of the Berber people, hence the name. Believed descended from the African Collared Dove (Streptopelia rosegrisea), which is also known as Pink-headed Dove or Rosy-grey Turtle-dove; however the domesticated form is often referred to as Domestic Ringdove (Streptopelia risoria) and is also known as Domestic Collared Dove, Fawn Dove and Java Dove. Also appear similar to Collared Doves in Europe, except for eye colour. It is well established as an aviary bird; used to release at peace festivals, in magic acts and at weddings and funerals. Small pockets have been established in Australia, probably escapees from aviaries. Usually urban habitats. Populations known in Adelaide. Considered a pest.